By using less and by optimising packaging materials, we have managed to reduce by 8 times the carbon footprint of our packaging. Additionally, thanks to improved truck technology, fuel changes, distance reduction and route optimization, we managed to deliver better and more efficiently saving both emissions and costs.
In 2020, our logistics were contracted to White Logistics.
From June, we stopped using our own fleet and moved to the 3rd party who are able to be more efficient when planning routes which reduces our impact on the environment for deliveries to our customers.
In May 2021, we switched from propane powered forklifts to new battery powered Hubtex forklifts.
Propane usage has reduced to zero after June 2021 and has now been fully removed from our site.
We take a continuous improvement approach with our packaging and make choices to help our suppliers and customers become more sustainable by making changes to our packaging.
Where possible, we use re-usable metal stillages for our goods which are sturdy and can be used many times before recycling. These stillages are sent back to us by suppliers and customers for us to re-use time and time again. By changing the way that we pack our stillages, we have saved an estimated 15 tonnes of cardboard use each year.
We work with our suppliers to reduce the amount of plastic used in our supply chain and to replace this with biodegradable materials like recycled paper. By undertaking this method, an estimated 40,000 plastic bags have been saved each year so far.
We consistently look at new ways of packaging our deliveries and investigate new environmentally friendly materials for use. When we are not able to completely remove certain types of packaging like the cardboard to line stillages, and the plastic to wrap them, we strive to use completely biodegradable materials instead.
This method is chosen as if a material is accidentally sent to landfill by a third party, it can still degrade over a reasonable amount of time without impacting the environment.
Since the introduction of re-usable packaging in 2020, the purchase of new packaging has consistently decreased.
Last year, new wood usage has increased due to a national shortage of pallets. Paper and cardboard has been reduced by 64% in the year.
We cannot improve our impact as a company if we do not tackle our individual behaviours. By implementing sustainability trainings and webinars; rethinking our commuting and business trips through home offices and online working practices, and by improving every detail in our workplace, from artificial light usage, printing and recycling and the reduction of single-use plastics. Across the Hydro Group, we reduced the waste per ton of aluminium by 2 large waste bins between 2018 and 2020 and we continue to improve this, reducing the amount of landfilled waste. MORE INFORMATION >
Reducing our energy use is an important part of our ongoing efforts to reduce our impact on the environment and CO² emissions. Locally in the UK, we run an energy reduction programme to lower our gas and electricity use. This programme includes:
Water is a key natural resource of critical value to the planet as well as to the entirety of the Hydro value chain.
Whilst we do not operate in any area that is 'water-stressed', we do measure, report and reduce our water consumption. Our main focus is on the management of our water consumption and the appropriate treatment of wastewater before we discharge it back into the water system. We aim to develop a water stewardship approach for the management of our water resources.
We're committed to using water sensibly and reducing our usage. Hydro Building Systems UK Ltd monitor our water consumption and minimise the demand for potable supplies of water as far as possible. We've undertaken ways to reduce our water usage and continue to educate our employees to be water efficient. These water consumption reduction actions include:
For 2020 and 2021, water use has increased due to the safety measures recommended to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Waste is a by-product of the aluminium production process and is generated at all stages of the value chain. Our waste management strategy focuses n the mitigation hierarchy by finding ways to avoid, minimise and recycle our waste rather than sending it to landfill.
Our waste management systems at Tewkesbury and Wakefield use services who take a zero-waste to landfill approach in their operations. Waste is collected and sorted at these third-party facilities that sort, recycle with the items that are not able to be recycled being used to produce electricity and then into recycled building materials. Air-pollution produced from this process is cleaned using a air-pollution control system before being released back into the atmosphere.